Repair & Service Manuals

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1932-1936 Engine & Chassis Repair Manual, VB13

Includes specifications for servicing and adjustments, includes detailed and simplified wiring diagrams, easy to read & understand, covers fuel, engine, clutch, ignition, electrical, carburetor, and more, 48 pages, 83 illustrations

1937-1938 Engine & Chassis Repair Manual, VB14

Includes specifications for servicing and adjustments, includes detailed and simplified wiring diagrams, easy to read and understand, covers fuel, engine, clutch, ignition, electrical, carburetor, and more, 36 pages, 49 illustrations. OUT OF STOCK

1939-1940 Engine & Chassis Repair Manual, VB15

Includes specifications for servicing and adjustments, includes detailed and simplified wiring diagrams, easy to read and understand, covers fuel, engine, clutch, ignition, electrical, carburetor, and more, 44 pages, 53 illustrations OUT OF STOCK

Ford Flathead V-8 Builders Handbook, 1932-1953, VB160

Tips on rebuilding Ford and Mercury V-8 flatheads for stock and high performance, covers boring, stroking, porting, and relieving, 154 pages, 500 illustrations, 1932-1953 car

Ford Maintenance Manual, 1932-1948, VB9

To help owners keep cars running during WWII shortages, was issued by the company, 64 pages, 1932-1948 car OUT OF STOCK

Ford, Mercury, And Lincoln Service Manual, 1946-1948, VB24

Covers the servicing of 6, 8, and 12 cylinder engines and chassis of all three model years, with a section for car photos & body part illustrations, reprint of original Service Manual 3606-46, 256 pages, 143 illustrations, 1946-1948 car & truck

Rebuilding The Famous Ford Flathead, 1932-1953, VB124

A step by step approach to rebuilding the famous "FLATTIE" covers all models from 1932-1953, a necessary guide for the flathead rebuilder, 140 pages, 81 detailed diagrams. OUT OF STOCK

Repair & Service Manual, 1937-1948, VB10

1937-1948 Ford & Mercury V-8 Engines, information for the repair or overhaul of Mercury & V-8 engines (except 60 HP) manufactured from 1937-1948, inclusive/intended for use by everyone, the instructions begin with the engine removed from the vehicle, covers complete repair, 64 pages, 61 illustrations